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We want you to look forward to your holiday and not to worry about fraud, scams etc. Below are some details about us and our company which will hopefully reassure you about who we are and why you can book safely with us. If you have any further questions or would like any other reassurances, please just let us know. We'll be happy to answer. 
***Please ask about our new Covid-19 Cleaning Protocols***

  • We are a family owned and run rental business in Cannes since 2007. We only rent our own properties and do not use intermediaries - you will be dealing with the owners before and during your stay in Cannes. 
  • Our company, SARL Helen, was incorporated in the Cannes Chamber of Commerce in 2007. Our SIREN (identification number) is 494 834 880 - you can visit the official Chamber of Commerce site and verify our details: www.infogreffe.fr
  • We can accept payment by bank transfer or credit card. We always recommend credit card as it is a much safer means of payment. In the event of fraud you have a much higher chance of getting your money back. We do not ask for or receive your credit card details - we will send you a link to the Credit Agricole (France's largest retail bank) secure servers where you will make the payment.
  • Since January 2018 it is now obligatory to show a 13 digit (letters and numbers) reference code on every property rental advertisement in Cannes. This number is provided by the Town Hall of Cannes and proves the property is properly registered. If you do not see this reference on any property advert you should not rent the property. You will find our reference numbers at the bottom of each property page. 
  • We are happy to provide Invoices for all bookings showing the property and period rented, cost of rental, VAT and local taxes paid (these are all included in the quoted price). 
  • The contact number we use is, for logistical convenience, a mobile/cell phone, we are happy to provide you with a fixed line number to contact us if you prefer.

Additional Legal Information:

Company Name: SARL HELEN 

Identification Number: 494 834 880 R.C.S. CANNES

Company Address:17 Rue Meynadier, 06400 Cannes

Managing Director: Niall Bates

Equity Reserves: 10,000 EURO

Phone Number:

Website Related Queries: Niall Bates

Hosting Site: Hostinger. UAB, Svitrigailos str. 34, 03230, Vilnius, Lithuania.