12th February 2013 - Boris Johnson returns to MIPIM 2013
London Mayor Boris Johnson returns to MIPIM for a 4th time in 2013. He will speak at the Palais de Festival on Tuesday the 12th March. He is thought to give some insight into the post Olympics planning process for London.
"London is a premium investment target for international real estate and the presence of the Mayor at MIPIM will allow participants to get his insight on Londons development and post-Olympic Games challenges and opportunities." said the Director of MIPIM Filippo Rean.
Demand for MIPIM 2013 has been very strong, easily the busiest MIPIM since the credit crunch. Our 4 apartments have been taken by the same repeat customers of the last 2 years, some booked a full 12 months in advance. For details of our apartments, please visit our Rates page.
For full details of MIPTV, please visit the official site: http://www.miptv.com/en/press/miptv-2013-press-releases-and-press-kits/