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5th March 2013 - Steven Spielberg President of Cannes Jury 

There are few bigger names in the Film Industry today than Steven Spielberg and few bigger Film Festivals than Cannes, so it seems fitting he will be President of the Film Festival jury at Cannes this year. It is over 30 years since ET debuted at the Cannes Film Festival in 1982 and Spielberg has enjoyed enormous success as a writer, producer and director since then. 

"Steven Spielberg accepted in principle two years ago", declared Thierry Fremaux, General Delegate of the Festival. "He was able to make himself available this year to be the new Jury President and when meeting him these last few weeks it has been obvious he is excited about the job. Because of his films, and the many causes he holds dear, he is year in year out the equal of the very greatest Hollywood filmmakers. We are very proud to count him among us." 

Demand for Cannes Film Festival has been as strong as ever this year. At time of writing, we have two 2 bedroom apartments still available but I feel they will be booked this week. For details including prices, please visit our Rates page.

For full details of the Film Festival, please visit the official site: