30th April 2013 - MIPCOM Rates Now Released
It may seem like MIPTV is only just finished but attention quickly turns to MIPCOM in October. After a very disappointing MIPTV conference, it feels like MIPCOM will be heavily attended this year. Many industry players decided against attending MIPTV this year so will be keen to do business at MIPCOM instead. We have just released our reduced Rates for MIPCOM 2013 with rates down around 10 percent across the board. This is largely due to the very weak demand for MIPTV this year, though ironically that will probably mean higher than normal demand for MIPCOM instead. So I think our apartments are likely to rent early this year so sharpen your pencils for MIPCOM 2013 to avoid disappointment.
At present we have two 3 bedrooms and one 2 bedroom on Rue Meynadier for rent. As we are selling 32 Rue Perrissol we cannot yet confirm its availability. For more details, please visit the Rates page.